About Us

About Elizabeth

Good morning! I’m Elizabeth, the dynamic force behind BeserHurda.com. I’m a mom and a wife in a family that never stops munching!

My journey with my husband began in 2003, and yes, we were high school sweethearts! I’d like to think that I understand him better than he understands himself — the key to our happy home life.

We’ve had the experience of living in various corners of the country, but it’s here in Ohio that we’ve planted our roots. Being the only woman in a house full of boys, I revel in the joyful chaos and love I am surrounded by every day. The fact that one of my boys is already taller than me is something I’m still getting used to!

About BeserHurda

I founded BeserHurda.com in 2015, and the blog has grown into a brand recognized around the globe. My website has received numerous accolades including making it to the list of Top 100 Food Blogs for Moms in 2017 and 2018. Additionally, I’m proud to announce that BeserHurda.com is also among the Top 20 Dessert Blogs on Pinterest.

Through my website, I’ve been fortunate to make appearances in various online and print publications. From being featured on the TODAY show to contributions in Parents magazine, Taste of Home magazine, Woman’s World, and more, the journey has been incredibly rewarding.

This is my corner of the internet where I share my culinary adventures. Whether you’re looking for decadent desserts or nutritious treats you can enjoy every day, BeserHurda.com is your go-to resource.

So, feel free to explore BeserHurda.com — a space where scrumptious delights take center stage. Discover my array of mouth-watering creations and I guarantee you’ll find something to tickle your taste buds!